The Invoice Processing Application is to parse the content of the uploaded text format invoices to S3 bucket using a Python custom code running on a Ubuntu EC2 to convert them into CSV records. Once a record is processed, it will be saved in DynamoDB for retention and the converted CSV record is saved in S3 destination bucket. AWS Athena is to query the CSV records to aggregate expenses grouped by date.
Please note that some parts of the images in this tutorial will be pixilated or hidden to hide all personal information such as account numbers, ip addresses and any other personal or sensitive information.
Lets' create a lambda function and attach the role we have previously created.
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Id": "__default_policy_ID",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "__default_statement_ID",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "SNS:Publish",
"Resource": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:Your AWS Account Number:S3toEC2Topic",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceAccount": "Your AWS Account Number"
"ArnLike": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:s3:*:*:"S3 Source Bucket Name"
A. Replace SNS-topic-ARN as shown below.
B. Replace bucket-name with your source bucker name as shown below.
C. Replace bucket-owner-account-id with yours as shown below.
Navigate to S3 and select the source bucket, which we have previously created.
Select Properties and scroll down to Event Notifications and select it.
Follow the following details:
A. Name: S3PutEvent B. Select PUT from the list C. Destination: SNS Topic D. SNS: S3toEC2Topic
Save changes.
Navigate to EC2 -> Instances
Create an EC2 instance with the following parameters:
A. AMI: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS B. VPC: Default C. Security Group: Open ports 22 and 8080
Note: to enhance the security, you could select opening port 22 ONLY to your home public IP address. This will limit the SSH access to request coming from your home IP address.
Navigate to IAM -> Roles -> Create role
Attach the following two policies:
A. AmazonS3FullAccess
B. AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
Name the role, EC2S3Access
Download the application zip file from my GitHub repo and save it to your local device.
Open the code using any code editor of your choice. I’m using Visual Studio Code as a code/text editor.
Unzip the file and navigate to docproc-new -> api ->
Open with your choice of code editor and ensure that:
A. The name of the S3 target bucket must match the name of our target bucket’s name (line 19).
B. The region should match your region. Mine is us-east-1.
Then, let’s save the python file.
Note: first you may need to navigate (cd) to where you have saved the pem file.
scp -i <Ubuntu pem file> ./docproc-new ubuntu@<Ubuntu public ip>:/home/ubuntu
If your transfer is successful, you shall see a message similar to the below.
Let’s SSH into our Ubuntu EC2 instance. If you need help SSH’ing into the instance, please refer to my previous tutorial about SSH.
Now, we will run the following commands on our Ubuntu instance to update the operating system, install Python, Django, Boto3 and a virtual environment:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-pip -y
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
sudo apt install virtualenv -y
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/djangodev
source ~/.virtualenvs/djangodev/bin/activate
pip install django
pip install boto3
sudo cp -r docproc-new /opt
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu -R /opt
cd /opt/docproc-new
python runserver 0:8080
Note: make sure the development server is running on the CLI/Terminal
Let’s navigate to SNS in the AWS Console and select the topic S3toEC2Topic
Click on Create Subscription
Enter the following details:
Protocol : HTTP
Endpoint : http://IP-address:8080/sns, where the IP Address is the public IP of the EC2 instance.
Note: If a message is seen “ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded”, it can be safely ignored.
When EC2 instance is stopped, its public IPv4 is released, and a new IPv4 is assigned to the instance once it starts back up. To read more about AWS Stop and start your instance.
In the project folder, we have docproc-invoice.txt which we will upload to our S3 source bucket.
*Note: you should be able to track the processing of the file on command line/terminal as shown below.
Note: add your S3 target bucket name instead of <target S3 bucket>.
`customer-id` string,
`inv-id` string,
`date` string,
`from` string,
`to` string,
`amount` float,
`sgst` float,
`total` float,
`inwords` string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'
'serialization.format' = ',',
'field.delim' = ','
) LOCATION 's3://<target S3 bucket>/'
TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false');
SELECT sum("amount"), "date" FROM "proj2db"."invoice" GROUP BY "date";
Shown below is the output of the Athena query to show aggregated expenses by date. Since we have only uploaded one invoice, we don’t have lots of the invoices to query.
By the end of this tutorial, we have successfully created an Invoice Processing Application web. The application has utilized S3, SNS, EC2, DynamoDB and Athena.